Feedback From Our Artists
Below are copies of emails and
comments received from artists who have participated in our 'Better World'
projects, as well as comments from organizations, and
general good words:

<[email protected]>
DATE: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 13:44:13 -0800
Wanted to say thank you for having me at your festival. Had a great time.
I'm currently in LA working on new CD. Nice to have escaped the crazy
Montreal cold
Hugs, Neema

FROM: Wendell Ferguson
<[email protected]>
DATE: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 01:47:49 -0500
A Big Thank you!!!
Please pass on my thanks to both you, and all your great volunteers
at Winterfolk. Once again I had a super time. All 3 stages I did were
exciting, memorable and fun. The last one was especially good. Nancy
Dutra did her sweet country thing with 3 guitarists behind her and
John Switzer sat in on bass for the whole set. Tony Q. was funny and
amazing, Steve Briggs is always amazing and I was the same idiot I
always am. Plus the Friday night with Jack deKeyzer and David Gillis
was also amazing. And where did you find Mike Branton? He's a great
soloist. We were all very impressed. So Kudos to you and the
volunteers for making it so easy for us to have fun and move the
[email protected]
DATE: Sat, 30 Dec 2006
songs for better planet
Hi Brian,
…. I love it!! It came out great and we were so excited to be a part of it.
Hopefully we'll get to see you at the winterfest!
Thanks again,
Tracey Delfino ,
FROM: "Megan Bowman"
<[email protected]>
DATE: Mon, 8 Jan 2007
RE: compilation received - thankyou!
Hey Brian
Just to say thanks for the pack of CDs that arrived. I feel very proud and
honoured to be a part of it. I will enjoy figuring out how best to spread
it around Australia. Kind regards for a rockin good 2007,
FROM: Richard Berman
<[email protected]>
DATE: Thu, 14 Dec 2006
SUBJECT: Thank You
Dear Brian,
Thank you so much for sending on the copies of "Songs for a Better
Planet, Vol.ll". I so enjoyed listening to the material. I especially
liked "Magnolia" with its beautiful guitar accompaniment. I wish us all
much exposure and much pleasure for our listeners. Again, my thanks for
including my song on the compilation. I will enjoy getting to share the
copies you've sent me with others. All the best to us all for the
coming New Year- Richard
From: totara
<[email protected]>
I love
what you guys are putting together! My name is LeAnne, and my band Totara
truly believes in changing the world through music. Thank you so much,
From: "Ugur
<[email protected]>
Date: Sat,
11 Nov 2006 23:28:33 +0100
Subject: Songs for A Better Planet, Volume II
thank you and all the members master much for choosing my song and creating
this compilation for a better planet. It gives trluy a feeling for reaching
my goals and energy to let my voice heard.
I was also lately been Nominated for the
Just Plain Folks
Awards** .
and am very happy for things going well.
Dogan , Rotterdam, Netherlands
From: David
<[email protected]>
Date: Thu,
02 Nov 2006 13:24:13 -0500
Subject: Youth Showcase - Ariana - Thank you note:
I am
very grateful that Winterfolk chose to sponsor me for a youth showcase
this year at the OCFF in Ottawa. The whole process of preparing myself for
the OCFF
showcase caused me to get off my lazy arse and practice. As a result of my
showcase I was approached by festival directors, agents, and musicians. The
whole thing was a growing experience, not to mention, a freaking hoot that I
carry with me for the rest of my life.
Thank you Brian. Ariana Gillis ,
FROM: "Jack de Keyzer"
<[email protected]>
DATE: Mon, 21 Aug 2006
RE: Concert For Peace
Hi Brian,
Thank you for sending the pics and for including us in this years Concert
for Peace. Your professionalism and talent are very much appreciated. Now
if we can get some peace going .....that would be even better!
Jack de Keyzer
From: govinda
<[email protected]>
Date: Sun,
12 Nov 2006
Subject: help for Peace: govinda
Sir, I am very impressed with your organisation. This is the time for peace,
with colourful world like deferent culture deferent religions with respect.
Also we have to make the world without boundary.
Myself I am an artist for Nepal and I am doing world peace through art since
form 1999. You know at that time Nepal. I did solo cycle tour all Nepal
carrying with slogan “21st Century is the century of art and
peace”. This tour extended all south-Asia country (Nepal, India,
Bangladesh also in Germany) main to carrying peace message in paintings. I
had had did 22nd solo exhibition included Nepal and around the
world. I want to exhibit my peace painting and exchange programme in your
country for that I looking to gate cooperation through your foundation.
Please visit my web site to for more detail about me-----
journey is alone for peace and individually without any help so please make
some possibility to spread peace with you. Thank you.
help for peace.
Govinda Prasad Sah ‘Azad’

Margaret Stowe
<[email protected]>
DATE: Sat, 25 Aug 2007
SUBJECT: thanks from Marg
Wanted to thank you for including me in Concert For Peace. I can't think of
a more worthy message to promote.
take it easy and keep up the good work, Marg

From: "PETER
<[email protected]>
Date: Sat,
25 Aug 2007
Subject: Thanks for PEACE!
Thanks a lot for the opportunity of performing at The Peace Day Event. The
day was beautiful and I had a lot of fun with Herb Dale.

From: "danny
<[email protected]>
Date: Wed,
22 Aug 2007 10:35:58 -0400
Subject: Red Bird Flies at Mel Lastman
I'm not exactly sure why there's always something magic about Gladstone
gigs. It could be due to the purpose for which they're conceived. They push
the boundaries of performance and understanding in the best of all ways. At
Mel Lastman Square's Concert for Peace, I arrived in just time to see lovely
Laura Fernandez introduce her closing number: "My Heart is a Red Bird".
Laura explained that it was a special song, written by a close friend. As
she began to weave her magic, I took in the surroundings in Mel square.
Trees shade a stage and coliseum arena vaguely Roman in nature,
with audience sitting on the steps around.
the very moment that Laura's song was taking flight, a Cardinal flew right
in front of me. The bright red bird alighted in a branch overhead, where it
perched for most of the song before flying off to land back stage, in plain
sight of anyone in the audience who cared to look up. Shaking my head in
wonderment, I gazed out at the assemblage to see if there were other
witnesses to this crimson vision, so in synch with the music.
Perched on a woman's finger in the forth row was a brightly colored, yellow
and green parrot. I had to ask. The woman confessed that she hoped Laura
would change the lyric to reflect the hues of her bird. Somewhere in the
distance I could hear my name being called. It was time to make show, but
all I could think of was the stunning synchronicity, once again, as life
imitates art.
That kind of thing often happens when there's magic in the air.
Thanks Brian,
Danny M.

From: Laura
Fernandez Music
<[email protected]>
Date: Wed,
22 Aug 2007 12:28:31 -0400
Subject: Re: Red Bird Flies at Mel Lastman
Thank you for being there and witnessing the magical moment,
I believe that when art comes from divine inspiration and love, from the
heart, the universe is is synch and everything adds to the wonder. Brian and
you and Dougal and I and the audience, and Noah (who wrote the song from a
very real place and was with us in spirit), we were all instruments in God’s
symphony and we were there to promote Peace and a Better world. Miracles and
signs are around us everyday and it sometimes takes an open soul like you
Danny to point these out to us.
you Brian for allowing us to all to help you in your vision of a kinder,
more loving and very musical world. Xoxox and love to all of you. It was an
honor to be a part of it with you.

From: "sueanddwight"
<[email protected]>
Date: Mon,
20 Aug 2007 15:30:48 -0400
Subject: Thank you!
Thanks so much for
inviting us to play at the Concert For Peace VI. It was great to be part of
an event that promotes such an important message. It requires a lot of hard
work on your part to organize, and we want you to know your efforts are very
much appreciated.
Thanks again! Sue and

"Megan Bowman"
<[email protected]>
Just to say thanks for the pack of CDs that arrived. I feel very proud and
honoured to be a part of it. I will enjoy figuring out how best to spread
it around Australia. Kind regards for a rockin good 2007,

[email protected]
RE: songs for better planet
… We are so excited to be a part of this project!! Ilove what you are doing.
… Songs for a better planet cd to you. Thanks for sending us the copies. I
love it!! It came out great and we were so excited to be a part of it. …
Thanks again,
Tracey Delfino
FROM: Richard Berman
<[email protected]>
… Thanks so much for your email and your efforts in putting together
the compilation CD. I feel honored to have a song included and look
forward to hearing /Songs for a Better Planet/,/ /vol. II.
thanks for all you've done- Richard
From: "Ugur
<[email protected]>
I thank you and all the members master much for choosing my song and
creating this compilation for a better planet. It gives truly a feeling for
reaching my goals and energy to let my voice heard.
I thank
you and all the members who made this a reality for me and us.

Question asked in
Sonicbids Interview with these artists - What have you
liked about "Protest Songs for A Better World" and the promoter
of the opportunity? |
Victoria, AUSTRALIA -
I have been
honoured to have been part of this great CD. I also have the
highest respect for Brian Gladstone, who is doing something very
important for peace and Green Planet awareness with his Better
World projects and also creating opportunities for other
singer-songwriters to get their voices heard. He is also a fine
and tender singer-songwriter-guitarist himself (just listen to
'Flags of Freedom'), so his activism is all the more inspiring.
Cambridge, Mass, USA, - Brian
Gladstone, the producer of "Protest Songs for A Better World,"
is a quality person and musician who follows through with his
vision of the role music can, and, perhaps, should take in
society. |

From: Ethan Gold <[email protected]>
Being on this cd reminded
me of my original mission.

From: David Gillis
[email protected]
"Peace Songs for a Better World"
was a worthwhile endeavor for me personally. Not only did I receive a great
deal of positive feedback as a result of my submission, I also felt I was
contributing a positive message to the world".

From: Finn Coren [email protected]
Subject: Re: Peace Songs For A
Better World
Been receiving mails from people
and peace organizations around the world that have been enjoying my song
"Riverboatman". I've also been communicating with some of the other artists
on the CD. So it's been been a joy contributing a song for "Peace Songs for
a Better World".
Finn Coren

From: christa couture <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Peace songs For A
Better World
... Here are my
thoughts on being on the cd - being included on the Peace Songs for a Better
World cd has been an excellent experience. it began with the questions I
asked myself when I saw the call for entries - what peace is in my life?
where do I see peace? where do I see the need to create more peace?
internally, externally, there are many interpretations of this short but
powerful word. so I submitted a song that for me, was a journey to
self-discovery and finding peace within myself. hearing the other songs on
the compilation happily continued my train of thought - thinking about peace
and a desire for change. connecting with the other artists on the cd, in
person when at the Winterfolk Festival and via email, has been the best
outcome of being part of this project. as well, my song has now had airplay
in the US, Ireland, Germany and others - corners of the world I've not yet
reached on my own. personally and professionally it has been enriching, I am
grateful to be a part of it.

From: Sean Altman <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Peace Songs For A
Better World
I've received emails from people
around the globe who are enjoying my song "Change My World" and thanking me
for participating in the project. It feels good to contribute to a
worthwhile effort like this. Thanks for the opportunity. Sean Altman

From: <[email protected]>
Blair Hansen here :)
This project was so wonderful to
be a part of. I listened to the entire cd and ran across new artists that
are now some of my favorites. I had many friends and family listen to the cd
and they love it. They are also passing it on to other friends. The message
of 'peace' is being spread around. I feel very honored to have been a part
of this project. It's nice to know that one of my songs is helping to spread
peace... something that this world needs :) Sincerley,
Blair Hansen

From: Quincy <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Peace Songs For A
Better World
Its always an awesome feeling to
be a part of something that is putting smiles on peoples faces. And I thank
you for letting me be a part of this project. : ) quincy

FROM: "Steve Hansen"
RE: 'Peace Songs' is Album of the
Hope this finds you well. Again
thanks for your work on Peace Songs. Blair enjoyed being a part of this and
I am confident that some messages got across. We received several nice
emails from some of the other artists. Steve Hansen.

FROM: Roger Ellis (Gold Album
Recipient with Edward Bear, Juno Winner)
Thanks for the schedule, I will
post it on my site and have promo made. Laura and I did a fine job on Nic
Beats show promoting the Peace Songs album. Thanks for opening the door
again for me for radio play. Massimo Ferro says he will play my "Roger Ellis
CD" on his American roots show. Thanks Brian, you have done me a great
favour. Roger

FROM: Jed Goldberg
(President, Earth Day Canada)
RE: RE: 2 notes of hope
Thanks for all you do Brian.
Jed Goldberg

FROM: Danny Marks - (Broadcaster
Bluz FM, Musician, Icon)
RE: Blues for Peace
Congratulations on this excellent
event. What a glorious day, for peace, and an excellent line up you pulled
together. People and performers superb, and each coming in for the good
cause. I was knocked out by "Roses in the Snow". They sounded so sweet!
Everyone pitched in. Thanks for including me, and especially, thanks for
doing what you do.

FROM: "Chip Eagle" (Editor
FOLKWAX Magazine)
RE: Peace Songs for A Better
Thanks, man. Keep up the great
work. Chip

FROM: Cathy Young
Congratulations on 'Peace Songs'
being Album of the Week. That's awesome!
Best, Cathy Young

FROM: Sallyanne Monti (Publicist,
Artist Management)
RE: Peace Songs for a Better
World and Blair Hansen
Beautiful.. I love the way you
write and how you feel and how you express it..
but then you've prob been told
that many times.. thank so much for all your energy.. in your past work with
Blair and other artists.. .in your response below and in following your
dreams and passion.
Respectfully, Sallyanne Monti

FROM: Hugo Hanson
I was looking for a good place to
submit "Its Got To Be You", and your site is the perfect one. I know you
will feel my passion to help heal our earth. Thanks for listening. I would
be an honor to be a part of the compilation. Peace and light. H Hanson

FROM: Edward Amann
RE: Interesting site -
Found out about you thru
sonicbids. Just a quick line to say hi and I support your efforts. I'll add
your link to my extensive links page when I update my site later today. Best
regards, Ed Amann

FROM: Karen Bass
Hi Brian, It is great what you
are doing I wish that I could go there and do that, but I don't have that
kind of funds, but I would like to share my music any way I can help The
peoples of this world and support our troops and stop the hate here is my
new release going out true New Music Weekly CA.24th of June please feel free
to pass it around Thanks your friend Elvis L Carden see att;JUNK MAN'

FROM: Scott Johnson (Executive
Director, Positive Music Association)
RE: Positive Music Association
Dear Brian, Greetings from
Boulder, Colorado.
I just came upon your website and
love what you're doing. I head up the Positive Music Association with the main
purpose of creating a better world through music. A primary goal is to
establish a new category of music called "poz" (short for positive). (It's
not religious by the way.) Feel free to let the musicians who are involved
in Artists for a Better World know about the PMA. There is an emerging group
of musicians out there who are dedicated to using music as a way to effect
positive change. And the more we can unite our efforts, the louder our music
voices will be heard.Cheers,
For Josh
White Jr.
Good morning!
Congratulations on the success of Winterfolk. What a feat
you accomplished.
Music is so very healing and does provide "inspiration,
assurance and comfort."
I can think of no better way to bring peace of mind and
heart to the
community in these troubled times.
You are to be commended for your dedication, your spirit
and your gift
of creativity. I certainly appreciated all of your help
and guidance
with regarding to Josh. And you kept us so
well-informed. You are
"pro" at this and Toronto is blessed to have you talent
and ingenious.
Light and love to you,
Sally Ellis

Hi Brian:
A quick note thanking you
for inviting us to WinterFolk. I'm very glad to
see it was a successful
event and I commend you on your hard work,
professionalism and above
all your musicality. Thanks too for the WF
photos...much appreciated.
I'll link you up to my site in the next few
days. Thanks again.
Sincerely: Jack de Keyzer
(Juno Winner Blues Album 2003)

Thanks for this compressive and heartfelt report. I'll follow through in
the Star, though I should report also on whether the event met or neared
its financial goals. For my part, it was a wholly enjoyable experience
from the first conversation with you, through my spot at the Dollar, to
your thoughtfulness in supplying SOCAN forms for performers. Everything
was exemplary well organized, on time, professional and earnest in the
very best of festival
spirits. I was impressed by the music I heard, and struck by the general
atmosphere of good will and musical amicability. Well done. It was a
Thank you.
Gregg Quill, Musician, Music Reviewer and Journalist Toronto Star

Thanks for the dream Brian. I will try again next year,
taking into consideration the written critique
given to me.
All the Best,
Linda Grenier

I just wanted to let you know how well you a doing in
organizing this
festival. Thanks for your gat efforts. I hope the
festival is as successful
(and well attended) as the good works you and Tony have
put into the preparations.
Best of luck.
And Happy New Year.
Jeremy Jenkins (just a jammer)

Hey! Thanks for everything last night! I got a great
response and some
good press out of it all! Congratulations on such a
professional festival!
Linda M,
This is a Luscious Production
Natasha Taylor/Linda M
Official Artist Website

[mplpost] melwood at Winterfolk tonight, oasis 10pm.
the comfort zone, somewhat ironically perhaps, lived
up to it's name last night...partially your's,
melwood cutlery (guitar, piano, voice, harmonica)

I wanted to thank you for having both the courage to take
on such an
ambitious project, and the stamina and determination to
make it successful.
You're the man!
Once again, kudos to you. I made repeated announcements
about Winterfolk
Year II to the crowds, so now you gotta do it. Bless you,

Winterfolk - Thanks from Brown Ale!
Hi Brian,
Just a quick note to thank you and your team for
including us in your
festival. We had a grand time on Friday night!
Your festival was very well organized, mo so than other
festivals that
have been around a lot longer. Your sound crew was gat,
and we actually
aware of and prepared for all our equipments (believe me,
this is rare
than it should be!).
Both your volunteer staff and the venue staff we very
friendly and
resourceful. Special thanks to the staff at the Oasis,
who cheerfully went
beyond the call the duty to help us get our gear past the
restaurant area in front.
Also, please pass on our thanks to Danny Bakan and Nonie
Crete for joining
us onstage for "Northwest Passage", and to Peter Verity
for his superb
concertina (!) playing (go ahead - ask him about
Congratulations on putting on this great event, and many
thanks for having
Glenn McFarlane
Brown Ale
P.S. A minder that I have a free pair of tickets for you
for the LCAS on
February 8th. Hope to see you the!

thank you brian, for taking a risk and doing something
very cool and
eddie and slowpoke

Well done and many thanks!
Hello there Brian!
Just want to thank you for the fabulous gig at
Convocation Hall today
and for all your incredible work putting the festival
together. The
venue was oh-so-sweet and added to the class of the whole
way you made things happen. I was especially impressed with the way you
communicated with me all the way along, lots of just the right info to
make one lax and know things we well in hand. Well done! And now, I wish
you a no doubt much needed rest. Cheers!...Tannis

Many Thanks
Hi Brian;
Just wanted to say thanks for thinking of me for
your festival. It
was a gat way to put a musical spin on this time of the
year for all
concerned, musicians and listeners alike.
All the best and GET SOME SLEEP!
Terry Tufts
[mplpost] Winterfolk / Michael Pickett / Tom Rush
Well said Louise! It certainly is a treat to have a
Winter Folk Festival
and to hear such a diverse group of talented musicians,
all at venues
within walking distance of each other (never mind that,
yes, some of the
venues aren’t the prettiest, but Con Hall sure made up
for it). I know
the hard work that goes into putting together such a
mammoth undertaking -
congratulations to all the organizers and volunteers for
their dedication
and commitment. All the volunteers that I worked with at
my stage (Rancho
relaxo) and those I saw at other venues we professional,
hard working,
courteous, helpful, organized and we good repsentatives
of the
I hope that this festival will happen again next winter
and continue to
grow and develop into a thriving, annual tradition,
bringing warmth and
that spark - the spirit of music - into what is often a
cold and dreary

[mplpost] Winterfolk / Michael Pickett / Tom Rush
To Brian Gladstone, Bob Stephens, and all you volunteers
who worked
your wonderful magic this weekend - Bravo!!
After a sensational weekend at the Blues Summit last
weekend, the
first annual Winterfolk Festival was upon us - done with
style and
organization and class. All within walking distance of
each other
providing plenty of opportunity to taste anything and
everything if
you wanted to.
Michael brought the house down at the El Mocambo Saturday
night with a
powerful acoustic set. Inadvertently introduced as the
Pickett Band, he demonstrated that he *is* his own band -
vocal and rack harmonica big enough to fill a room 1000
times the size
of this venue. Musical? Absolutely! - the room loved it
and demanded
an encore.
Convocation Hall easily welcomed Michael into its fold
Sunday night
where he provided a striking contrast to the wonderful
singer/songwriters who performed that night. Brian
Gladstone, Brent
Titcomb, Ian Tamblyn, Laura Smith, to name just a few.
With his powerful voice, remarkable guitar work, and
virtuoso harmonica, Michael illustrated to his audience
that blues is
roots as folk is roots and good/gat music can transcend
boundaries. People we bobbing their heads and tapping
their toes
and just downright enjoying themselves. What else is
Later in the evening, folk icon Tom Rush got Michael up
to play
harmonica on a Sleepy John Estes tune called 'Drop Down
Mama' It was
smokin'! And brilliant. And sweet.
All the musicians we terrific and all the music was gat.
Winterfolk continue to grow and prosper - an event as
rich as this at
anytime is a tat but to happen in February is downright
Thank you one and all.
Warmest regards,
Mother Earth Management
Louise Pickett, Manager
Michael Pickett

[mplpost] Winterfolk / Michael Pickett / Tom Rush
As a performer at Winterfolk, I must say I had a
fantastic time. I played
at the Oasis and the Comfort Zone.
Each show went ally well. Good vibes, wonderful
volunteers, gat
audiences. It was a joy to be part of the first
We were so lucky with the weather too. Notice now that
Winterfolk is over - it has gotten colder.
When I finished performing I popped into all the venues
to see other
performers. I was so impressed by the talent.
El Mocambo was terrific. Michael Pickett - wow. Jack de
Keyser - you rock.The sound everywhere - couldn't be better. Brian
Gladstone you did a fantastic job. So many gat performances and nice
Tom Rush - I was almost in tears when you sang "Circle
Game", Joni's song that he corded in 1968.
I hope Winterfolk comes back next year. For those who
Linda Saslove

Brian - thanks SO much for having Ember Swift as a part
of the first Winterfolk. We
had a gat time and hats off to you for making such a big
splash for your
first time at the pool!
We' looking to finalize out merchandise sales with
Winterfolk and if it's not
through yourself, can you please point me in the right
Again, congrats for a job well done.
Lyndell Montgomery
Few'll Ignite Sound

FROM: "Chris MacLean" <[email protected]>
Winterfolk News
Hi Brian
Thanks so much for all of your efforts in making
Winterfolk happen! WOW!
We had a gat time and surely hope that it becomes an
annual event.
All the best
Chris MacLean
[email protected]

congrats and port ideas
Hi Brian,
Congratulations and I hope you' enjoying a well-deserved
rest today. I was very impressed with how everything ran on all the
days and have heard nothing but positive comments from everyone I know
who participated and attended. Also, on a personal note, thanks again
for giving me the chance to play at Convocation Hall: truly a dam.
Thank you. The workshop session on Saturday was another personal
highlight. It reminded me how much I enjoy teaching and facilitating and
how restorative songwriting is to my spirit. I met many new
friends--and found many new fans--thanks to Winterfolk and I know the
experience will be of professional value for me in the months and years
to come.

Brian, I can't thank you enough for making me be a part
of the fabulous Winterfolk. Good experience. I loved it. So
special.Everyone was great.
I think you did a sensational job for this first ever
indoor festival.
The good word will travel fast. Be proud.
See you soon.

Fewheeling Playlist!
A Phone call from the Ultimate--Tom Rush-- was a
wonderful addition to the show on Sat. We featured some of the artists
who we at the first Winterfolk Festival in Toronto, including Tom Rush,
on the weekend. --and-- "A Fabulous Weekend" it was!-- My
congratulations to everyone involved in bringing this about.-- You
should be very proud!
The Canadian Talent was Superb! -It was a pleasure to
watch and listen!!

I would also like to congratulate all the participants of
Winterfolk and
Brian Gladstone. It was quite a buzz to be around so much
talent, bumping into them everywhere you went-in the washrooms,
upstairs, downstairs on the stets, behind the next door, in the
audience-they we everywhe. It was spooky! Lucky Toronto and all who we a
part of Winterfolk!
Nonie Crete

FROM: "wayne marshall"
<[email protected]>
A HUGE CONGRATS!!!! to Brian who not only organized
things but played a quite a few stages as well and by Sunday night was
still hanging in strong!!
I managed to see acts at all the stages and must say the
sound was good at them all.
The Rancho was the best sound to me even over Con Hall. I
saw Ian Tamblyn at both and liked the sound better at Rancho where Fd's
guitar parts we more upfront in the mix blending better.
Having said this I was amazed at how Lori Cullen worked
the acoustics of the hall at times making her voice float around like a
carrier pigeon delivering the message to the listener.
The was a wonderful variety of acts to see, often making
decisions of who to see a task!!!
I wasn't lucky enough get into the guitar session at the
Oasis (perhaps a larger club for this one next year) but I heard it was
a feat of fun and fast fingers.
I can't think of a better time to have an event like
this, it got a lot of folks away from sitting in front of a monitors (a
few we starting to have Ebay burnt into the left side of their
I have played mo than my share of seedy country bars in
my days , and even I was a little uneasy in the Comfort Zone. I think
next year a placement for this venue might be in order.
As far as Canadian content goes I would imagine the
percentage would have been about 98% Canadian!!!!!
A few highlights for me would be watching Jack De Keyzer
and Danny Marks battle it out guitar to guitar at the Dollar, Ian
Tamblyn with Fred Guignion and becca Campbell at Rancho Relaxo (first
time I've heard him live won't be the last) Hearing the gat new material
by Ron Nigrini and Bob Snider ( like wine these two guys keep getting
better with age)
Can't wait for next year see you the!!!!!!!!! OH YA ALL
THIS FOR 35.00 CANADIAN (that might be 10.00 US by 2004)

From Gerry Leblanc
Hi Brian,
Just wanted to send a quick note of thanks for doing such
a gat job with the festival. It was for the most part amazingly well
organized and run. The Sunday show was incredible. Hope your not too
bummed out by the turnout and a going to do it again next year. You
know how hard it is to get people out in this fakin city,especialy in
Jan.and Feb.
Once again thanks for the opportunity to play in the
festival and congrats on pulling it off. I'll be looking forward to
next year.
regards & respect
Gerry :-)

congratulations and thank-you
Hi Brian,
Perhaps life is turning to some semblance of normalcy for
you by now. I
just wanted to extend my thanks and congratulations to
you and the host of
others involved in putting on the festival. It was truly
a wonderful
experience for me and for the city too I think. I heard
nothing but a myriad
of positive comments which reflects very well on you and
everyone who put so
much energy into making the festival happen. Many thanks.
Norman Liota
Hi Brian
What a tremendous job on Winterfolk 2003.!!
Great musicians, great time, gat closeness of venues
(that was ally
important to be able to run from one show to the next
without wasting
We brought people who we very grateful for knowing about
it as they
said they we unaware of its existence otherwise.
I am sure that Winterfolk will get bigger and better for
2004 and if
articles get into the press now about its success, mo
people will
attend next year.
Diane V

Winterfolk / Pride in a Great Event
That's great Brian,
I am ready anytime, I saw so many of my friends that
weekend. So many people felt good about what you did.
TO: [email protected]
winterfolk's success.....(Brian MacMillan)
Hey Brian,
it's Brian!I was just checking out your site, which I
think looks great by the
way, and thought I’d drop you a line thanking you for a
wonderful experience at
Winterfolk. I had a great time and was really honored to
be on that stage with the folks
that graced it through out the day. I enjoyed watching
you play during the
workshop!! Thanks again Brian,
see you soon.
Brian MacMillan

Winterfolk 2003 - Festival Doctor’s Report
I thought Winterfolk was a gat event, and we had a
wonderful time
participating. It was our privilege. The audiences were
great and though I was intimidated by being a leader in a songwriting
workshop, it turned out to be ally fun and I learned a lot from it. I
hope you'll keep Erin Smith Band in mind for next year, and now I'll get
to work on your postcard!
Cheers and stay warm,

Winterfolk 2003 - Festival Director's port
Just wanted to thank you for a gat job done for
Winterfolk. That was a Herculean job and you we amazing.
Congratulations. I really enjoyed all our performances and really liked
the addition on a bass player. Get some well deserved rest, my friend
and I look forward to the next time.
your pal,
Maureen Brown

Winterfolk 2003 - Festival Director’s port
Your Winterfolk Festival was an unqualified success. I
just want to thank you
again for organizing it, and for letting me be part of
it. I look forward to
next year.
See you around,

FROM: [email protected]
Kudos Kudos Kudos
Sorry I didn't write to you sooner but I have been out of
town for the past few days. I am happy to see that Winterfolk was the
success you hoped it would be. You and all those who made it possible
certainly deserve every accolade you will receive. All your support
staff we welcoming and helpful and the performers I was fortunate enough
to see we a revelation. It seemed wherever I went you we the either
playing or overseeing. Omnipsence must be exhausting.
I want to thank you again for the opportunity to showcase
in the inaugural year of the festival. Someday I will be able to
proudly tell the grandkids "I was the".
Semper Winterfolk
Bill Colgate

Brian . . . thank you . . . thank you . . . for
I was at Convocation Hall from noon on Sunday till the
last note was
played. The day was an incredible experience. I am a
relative 'newbie'
to the folk scene; actually a 'returnee' as a result of
the freedom that
retirement brings. On Sunday I was able to see and hear
the performers
I have come to love and respect. The fact that I was
able to talk with
many of them without feeling intimidated in any way,
deepened my
feelings . . . those feelings of incredible loyalty to a
unique group of
people. Some of those people have been in my living
room, sharing their
talents with spellbound guests; others have performed at
intimate venues where I was the spellbound guest. They
seem to be an
integral part of a very caring and sharing community,
that can use all
the support it can get. To this end, your efforts with
Winterfolk a
mo than "Herculean".
The hour-long drive home gave me the opportunity to
reflect on the day's
experiences, and "come down" into an incredibly mellow
and contented
state. I'm still savoring the effects!
And, what a tat to see you with Laura Smith! If I am not
mistaken, I
last saw you together at the Opera House in Orangeville.
Laura was in a
bit of state (water bottle and fan working full tilt) . .
. and
completely undeterred, you simply carried on, completely
in sync with
her moods, and performing your musical magic, as only you
can do.
Thanks again Brian. By the way, my cheque is in the mail
for my
membership with OCFF - a direct spin-off from Winterfolk!
Sue Ans in Barrie

Norm Hacking's Manager
[mplpost] Winterfolk 2003 - Norm Hacking
First, a huge congratulations to Brian Gladstone, the
whole organizing /
support team, event volunteers and of course the
performers for a wonderful
new festival.
As noted, Norm Hacking was unable to appear due to
illness - he has been battling a severe leg infection through the last
several gigs (from late November). He thought that if he rested after
the January 28 Bluebird North appearance he would be able to perform at
Winterfolk. But he was too weak from the combination of strong
antibiotics and the infection and felt he could not give a good
performance. The Convocation Hall solo slot and songwriters workshop
the with Tom Rush, Ian Tamblyn and Brian Gladstone we dam gigs and he
was also looking forward to his Rancho Relaxo appearances the evening
before and seeing many musical friends and heroes during the festival.
It was a very difficult decision for him to make and he
asked me to
apologize to his fans - he hopes to see you all again
He is concentrating on gathering strength and healing
before his next gig
(with Michael Smith, March 27 at the Black Sheep Inn in
Wakefield PQ near Ottawa)
Many thanks to Brian Gladstone - Festival Director
dealing with a thousand details - for wanting to wait to give Norm as
much chance as possible to gather strength rather than making an
immediate substitution when he learned Norm might not be the. And Norm
was ally touched when I ad the section about him in the Director’s port
(below) to him on the phone.
As noted in earlier postings, Ron Nigrini (who performed
Saturday as
scheduled) filled in beautifully for Norm on Sunday in
both solo and
workshop slots, with wonderful comments about Norm. They
met early in their careers - Ron inspired Norm to be a songwriter and
does a fabulous version of Norm's "Old Things in Love" on Norm's tribute
Brian Gladstone's first song in the Convocation Hall
workshop was "Norm's
Living Room" - a song Brian wrote for the last night of
Norm's guitar
evenings at the Tranzac, before we knew we were resuming
at The Silver Dollar Room (now ended also). The song is the last track
on Brian's latest CD "Psychedelic Pholk Psongs."
On Saturday, Noah Zacharin was able to move from Oasis to
the larger Rancho Relaxo for his 11:30 pm concert. Michael Laderoute,
Jeremy Woodland and Glen Hornblast - familiar to many he and certainly
to Norm's Living Room family - provided a suprb end to the evening in
the "Norm and guests" workshop.
For myself, I enjoyed Winterfolk and am delighted to hear
that planning
will start for 2004. In addition to providing a
wonderful festival for
attendees, we all benefited from Brian and team's very
thorough job on
promoting this event, which has to raise the profile of
roots music at
least in the GTA. Gat to see so much talent and folkie /
blues friends
in one place!
At 12:23 AM 2/6/03 -0500, Brian Gladstone wrote:
>Winterfolk 2003 - Festival Director’s port
>To my good friend Norm Hacking who was not able to
attend for reasons of
>health - your magic was truly missed. Your influence and
>were present and apparent through the performances of
those who have
>learned from you. Get better soon Norm, as we need you
healthy for next year.
Thanks everyone,
Shirley Gibson
Management for Norm Hacking
[email protected] / [email protected]
latest CD: "Orange Cats Make the Very Best Friends" with
Kirk Elliott
lyrics for 8 songs online

Winterfolk 2003 - Festival Director’s port
Hi Brian:
In the near future I intend to write you a thank you
letter for your
records. It was a very enjoyable experience. I also
appreciated that only
did the one show and you allowed me the opportunity to
play your festival as
a way of getting into the roll of things again.
warm regards and congratulations,
D. Marie

FROM: "Eddy B" <[email protected]>
Thankx Brian
For allowing me to be part of your first Winterfolk
Music Festival. I hope I did the job you entrusted in me. I can't speak
for every one, but it looked like all the musicians and the people who
came out thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Take care and...
Sail on...
Eddy B
Banned from Blues radio for life.
[email protected]

Re: Winterfolk 2003 - Festival Director's Report
Wendell here. I just wanted to say "Thank you" so much
for including me in your fine festival. It was a pleasure to do my own
set and both a pleasure and an honour to host the Masters of the 6
Stings set. That was truly fun and I think the audience really enjoyed
the diverse and exceptional talent of all involved. As for the other
venues all within walking distance it was fantastic. I caught sets by
Bill Candy, Marianne Grittani, Michael Picket, Galitcha, Josh White Jr.,
Madd Scientists, Melwood Cutlery and many others.
I don't know what your 'break-even' or "made-a-profit'
numbers were but
judging by the happy look on people's faces and your fine
network of
volunteers, I'd have to say it was a smashing success.
Thanks for all your hard work and I hope you keep it
happening. It's just
what this city needs.
Wendell Ferguson

Re: Winterfolk 2003 - Festival Director's Report
Congratulations! I am so thrilled the weekend worked
out well for all of the hard workers who put their
hands into it.
I, for one, had a great time. Having many venues in
such a close area meant we performers could easily
support one another, and be reunited with our pals of
the Road.
Best wishes for all your future endeavors.
May they be as fruitful as the hat on Carmen
Miranda's hat. (wasn't she the one?)